Challenging Beliefs about Flavor

Posted by Cassiopeia rotating in the night sky While looking into space both through the eyepiece of the telescope and with the unaided eye there are many motions that are observed. The most obvious movement, especially through the telescope is the rapid “motion of the sky”. Because you are magnifying everything, you see the stars …

While astronomy has been a life-long interest, it wasn’t until December of 2003 that I took an active role in the hobby. My own journey into Astronomy started out by not following the advice I had been given, instead I purchased a Meade NG-60 telescope, a small refractor. With it’s shaky mount and useless finder, …

Although white and brown dwarfs give off heat and have habitable zones around them, just like our Sun, a new study suggests that they are not likely to be orbited by planets which can support life. This is because the way they emit the energy is different from that of regular stars, causing planets in …

Residents of Haida-Gwai and all nature lovers were saddened and angered by the deliberate destruction of a rare “Golden Spruce” tree January 23rd. This 50 m. tall tree on Crown land was more than 300 years old and was prized both in Haida legends and by biologists seeking to preserve the biodiversity of British Columbia. …

Forensic scientist Eric Carita dispels a few popular myths about forensic science and describes how he came to find (and love) his profession. Narrator: Crimes are solved by examining clues and developing evidence. On TV, it’s all glamor, in real life, a forensic investigator like Eric Carita will tell you it takes patience and creativity. …


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