Brain Changes in Alzheimer’s Can Occur 34 Years Before the Condition, Study Suggests

Alzheimer’s is often one of the most common age-related issues that people suffer from. The rate of increase in this disease is further propelling the research in this field. Given the fact that there is still to this date no possible cure for this condition, it is not surprising that the researchers are coming up with more and more possible findings in this field. In one such new study, the researchers have gathered enough evidence to claim the fact that the brain changes can occur 34 years before the actual symptoms of the condition are evident.

A new study conducted has found constricting changes in not just the neurochemistry but also the anatomy of the brain which occurs decades before the actual symptoms of the disease start creeping in. With over 35 million globally being affected by this condition, it is of no surprise that it is termed as a global epidemic. The rate of this is believed to double in the coming two decades.

Knowing about the risk factors and detecting the condition early on has been found to have beneficial impacts on planning care and the therapeutic interventions to help cure the condition. The researchers believe that the condition of Alzheimer’s does set in a lot before the prejudiced onset on the symptoms. There are several types of research which even peeks into the possibility of this condition affecting one’s brain mechanism 10 years prior.

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